Your goals and aspirations are within reach. Through our proven four-step process, we’ll help you navigate the many peaks and valleys that come with seeking financial success.
Step 1
Goal Identification
Stepping stones will make your vision attainable, and we will help make the pathway clear. By setting goals, you will maximize your financial potential, gaining both confidence and peace of mind as you set out on the path to your future.
Step 2
Plan Development
Through a well-thought-out financial plan, we can help you achieve the goals you desire. Financial planning and investment management processes are ongoing processes that address your continually evolving circumstances. Cookie-cutter or one-size-fits-all solutions don’t exist here. We customize a comprehensive plan to your specific goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance.
While we use the power of technology to provide effective financial solutions, no machine or piece of software has the ability to truly understand you on a personal level. We listen and we relate to your life circumstances and emotions. With a keen understanding of who you are, your adviser will design your financial plan, be your point of contact for ongoing dialogue, and will update your plan as your life evolves.
Step 3
Strategy Selection
Protecting your wealth and helping you grow your assets through an integrated approach characterized by flexibility, comprehensive analysis, and discipline is our expertise. We develop diversified portfolios using state-of-the art research and tools that maximize investment success and minimize risk, ultimately becoming the equation that helps move you toward your goals.
Step 4
Transparent Communication
All information regarding client fees and account status will be shared regularly. Our goal is to anticipate your questions and disclose these important details as promptly as possible. We will keep you informed via weekly newsletters as well as quarterly market and portfolio reviews. We encourage you to periodically meet with your adviser to chart and discuss progress. Additionally, you can track your account’s progress at any time through the user-friendly financial planning software we provide.
AWM Compensation
Client fees are always disclosed with absolute transparency. An investment management fee is withdrawn quarterly from the client’s custodial account. A bill is sent to the client every time a withdrawal takes place. The billing notice will provide the account value, deduction amount, and calculation method.